Birgitte Brydso 0

Save Martouf/Lantash!

81 signers. Add your name now!
Birgitte Brydso 0 Comments
81 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Our goal is to have Martouf/Lantash, played by the very talented actor Jr. Bourne, returned to Stargate.

The Tok'ra are very important characters in the show. They are a truly original idea and endlessly fascinating with their dual personae. Jr. Bourne in particular played the part as a Tok'ra better than anyone else, and his contribution made the show much better. Martouf represents the kind, wise, and cool-headed alien, while Lantash contributes with passion and drive. Together they compliment each other to create a unique and interesting character. It would be a shame not to take advantage of this - there are so many potential stories that would gain from it.

Therefore, we ask you to please bring back Martouf/Lantash, together of course. Let us see them again in one of the future SG-1 movies, or perhaps in Stargate: Universe. This is science fiction, after all, and there are unlimited ways of bringing them back, in the current or other time lines and universes.

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