Save United Service Lodge #37

Most Worshipful Brother Stephen Michalak, Most Worshipful Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Antient, Free, and Accepted Masons of South Australia and the Northern Territory,
We, the undersigned humbly request that the motion to surrender the Warrant of Lodge United Service #37 SAC be stayed for a reasonable period of time to allow a succession plan to be developed for no less than five years in order to prevent the lodge from being closed.
We are confident that the lodge can be strengthened and rejuvenated and, with the right leadership and attitude of the brethren, remain a strong and glorious lodge for many years to come.
We therefore pledge, in the case that a suitable succession plan may be drawn up and the lodge proven to be able to stand, that we will either continue our membership in the lodge, renew our membership in the lodge, or rejoin the craft and become members of Lodge United Service and continue to discharge our duties as brethren of that lodge zealously and passionately for as long as may be possible.
We implore Grand Lodge, therefore, that in place of accepting the surrender of the Warrant of this historic and proud lodge, that it hold the Warrant in abeyance until such a time as the brethren can act to perpetuate its survival, or until a time deemed acceptable by Grand Lodge.
With Kind Fraternal Regards,