Save Our Loch Lloyd Green Space and Playground Area

Neighbors, there is a meeting on Aug 17th at 7:00 regarding the Village Planning Committees interest in adding three new lots across from the health club. From what I understand this may also mean the removal of the playground area that so many children love.
As a resident of Loch Lloyd for 14 years and a father of three, this plan is a great concern. The street along the health club and playground as well as the field across the street are perhaps the only place in the neighborhood where families and children can feel they can play in a safe environment. To keep our Village a vibrant community in the future it is in all of our best interests to promote Loch Lloyd as THE BEST place to live for families with children. Taking the only playground, green space, and "park like" environment we have for the children away would send the wrong message about the direction of our community. Families are the future of Loch Lloyd and we need to be doing more, not less to make (and market) Loch Lloyd as a safe and fun place to live.
In short, we can't let short-term profit be the motivation for removal of such a great (and green) space for our families. This area next to the Health Club and Clock tower has become a central gathering place for all residents. Please support our cause on Aug 17th and let the Planning Committee know that we don't approve of this decision.
If you believe this area should remain as green space and playground, please sign our petition. We can't thank you enough for helping the cause!