
BA (Hons) Learning Disability Studies - University of Manchester. Our course has achieved so much since being invited to the university in 2000. It has raised the profile of partnership approaches to teaching and research in learning disability studies; learning disabled members contribute their 'expertise by experience' to PSG meetings, lecturing, conferences, assignment assessment. PSG achieved a world first with the peer reviewing and editorial for the special issue of the BJLD; graduates are well-equipped to take up roles as social leaders in general but in particular in learning disability services for adults/children; 100% NSS score last year • Learning disabled people are some of the most excluded and vulnerable in society. on average they die 16 years before members of the general population due to inadequate investigation, diagnosis and treatment (rather than lifestyle choices like the general population) Services are not working - evidenced by recent abuse scandals like Winterbourne View, Fiona Pilkington and daughter, MENCAP Death by Indifference reports. Last year CQC found over half of learning disability services did not meet expected standards, with failings a direct result of care that is not centred on the individual or tailored to their needs - Person-centred thinking and approaches are a key principle of the LDS course. • Manchester Institute of Education says there are plans for learning disability studies to be continued in some capacity but at the present time they will not inform us how. We are very concerned that this will only be in relation to children (i.e. education/schools) - thus overlooking adults completely i.e. the majority of life. • University says course was closed because we didn't reach target admission numbers but the method by which the closure was carried out was unfair and did not allow students to be admitted via Clearing or right into September as is usually the case. PSG members dont understand why it all has to be about numbers/targets. They think it should be about people - improving the lives of learning disabled people. Therefore on behalf of students past and present and the PSG and learning disabled people we would ask you to sign our petition to request that the university reconsider their decision to close.