Hey guys! well if u havent heard the new director to new moon chris something or other is thinking about replacing taylor lautner in the next flims!!! its an outrage! and if ur a twi hard like me and support keeping taylor as the ORIGINAL!!! jacob black!! then help me with this petition! that i am going to send to summit entertainment! new moon starts filming in 12 weeks!! so i need as many as i can get to save taylor!! please! help me out!! and tell all your friends spread the word!! its like saying lets get rid of Rob Pattinson and choose a different edward! it wouldnt be the same! SAVE TAYLOR!!!!! KEEP HIM AS JACOB BLACK!!!!! theres an article about this in the OMG section on yahoo if u want to know more! they're saying taylor isnt fit for this role cause jake has to get bigger uh hello its called animation!!! thanks!!! Marilynne! p.s if you ask me! change taylor and thats the end of watching the twilight saga films! for me!