Help Save Hospital Based 911 Ambulance Services
FDNY And Bloomberg Replace Ambulances Providing 911 Service With Extortion Services
- FDNY operates 614 8-hour tours every 24 hours for a total of 4,912 unit hours. Assuming a conservative cost of $75 per unit hour, that equates to $368,400 per day or $134,466,000 per year
- Voluntary Hospital operates 353 8-hour tours every 24 hours for a total of 2,824 unit hours. Assuming a conservative cost of $75 per unit hour, that equates to $211,800 per day or $77,307,000 per year
If the Voluntary Hospitals choose not to pay the fee that FDNY wants to impose in order to save $8.7 million dollars, New York City will need to spend $77.3 million dollars to replace those lost unit hours the city is currently getting for free, hence the term voluntary.
“If they don’t want to have the patients in their hospitals, they won’t get ‘em,” said Bloomberg, referring to the possibility of hospitals no longer participating in the city’s 911 system.
- Mayor Michael Bloomberg, Metropolis 12/09/10 City Vows To Fill Potential Ambulance Void
This affects us all. As employees because we are in jepordy of losing our jobs, as patients or as family members of patients because there will either be extended response times or overworked/exhuasted EMT/paramedics providing us medical attention and as tax payers because where do you think they will eventually get the extra money they are going to need to cover the areas that the voluntary ambulances cover. So please help us protect our jobs, your medical care and our money. Say NO to Bloomberg and his fees by signing our petition.
The information above is only a small piece from a larger story, there are many more facts that are available in english and in spanish upon request.