Save Harbourside M&S
Save M&S 0

Save Harbourside M&S

14 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
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14 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Save our M&S! A critical ingredient in our expanding Bristol Harbourside community. We have launched this petition to urge bosses at M&S not to close the Harbourside store and to validate how many people a possible store closure would actually impact. You can show your support not only by signing our petition but by sharing the link with others you know will be impacted by the stores closure. Harbourside M&S is not just a store of convenience, it is a necessity for the residents within in our community. The Harbourside project was years in the planning and development phases and now that the ever increasing population of residents and businesses have created a Harbourside community feel, the cornerstone of what makes our community is to be taken away. And this will have detrimental effects on foot traffic, business success and the ability to increase (or even sustain) residential numbers within the Harbourside development and its surrounds. The draw cards for prospective residents and businesses to Harbourside are location, lifestyle and convenience. Residents have moved here for a better life, a better environment for families and for the added convenience of an inner city lifestyle. Though without our Harbourside M&S, the members of our community must now return to the suburbs in search of convenience. We have all been hit by the same financial crisis and have to take shelter where we feel safe, closest to home. We support the need to cut costs, so assess lines of stock or reduce business hours. We will be cutting expenses too and spending more time within our own communities where we can rely on our trusted corner stores, friendly grocers or town butchers to supply us with what we need to provide to our families over the difficult times ahead. Though, M&S Harbourside is our communities’ corner store, the only business of its kind within our community. And a place where we find staff and produce that we trust. To remove M&S from the Harbourside community would be forcing residents and businesses away from what the Bristol City council have worked towards with the Harbourside and floating harbour developments. The business community relies on our Harbourside M&S for themselves but also for their employees, customers and guests, increasing foot traffic that in turn supports other businesses in the area that simply cannot survive without this. The wonderful staff and excellent customer service found at Harbourside M&S is just a bonus. We need our M&S! Save our M&S!!


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