Save Franklin Road

Franklin Road in Gibsons is under threat. Currently the Town of Gibsons is working on new recommendations for the proposed subdivision on Gospel Rock and Option #2 of this proposal includes a road coming from the 680 resident subdivision and leading into the beautiful, idyllic, Franklin Road. There are several extremely important reasons why this proposal should be defeated. They are: 1. If this road is built residents of Franklin Road and the connecting streets will see an increase in traffic. (*Note we have already seen an increase in traffic with the restructuring of the highway in upper Gibsons, the traffic calming measures in front of the Town Hall and the removal of the stop sign at Franklin and Burns as drivers look for alternate routes. A lot of these vehicles are using Franklin Road as a thoroughfare.) 2. There will be huge safety hazards with a 5-way intersection at Franklin, Gower Point, Glassford and the proposed new road. The corner is already hazardous and adding one more road to the mix will just make it more so. 3. The steepness of the terrain and the deforestation of the area above us with the construction of new homes will cause even more water runoff down Franklin Road. Anyone who walks down Franklin now will be aware that the residents closest to Gower Point are already dealing with water runoff concerns. 4. The proposed road will result in even more summer traffic as families (and party-goers) access some of the best beaches in Gibsons. *On a safety note the increase of traffic will be hazardous to the families that utilize these beaches as the increased traffic could endanger their families walking, or driving to the beach. 5. More expensive houses, means more commuters and these commuters will be utilizing Franklin Road and other Bay Area roads as a preferred route to the ferry. This increased traffic would create more danger to pedestrians, bikers and skateboarders (some of whom might be enticed onto the newly paved hill leading onto a 5-way and a fatal accident is the last thing anyone wants). 6. The proposed road would cut a swathe through the woods and disrupt the wildlife pathways east to west with disastrous results. 7. This road would have a negative impact on not only our own road (one of the most beautiful on the Sunshine Coast) but would also negatively impact our environment and the Bay Area community of which we are a proud part. 8. Both options A and B include waterfront development in spite of the vote of the town were 60% indicated they did not want waterfront development. The residents of Franklin Road went through a lengthy process to ensure that they got the BEST ROAD available and this road (and the process) have been heralded across Canada as an archetype of what councils should do with regards to neighbourhood imput and concerns for the environment. All that work will have been for nothing if this proposed road connects to Franklin and the neighbourhood that we love is lost. Please let Town Council know that you are against the proposed new road connection by signing this petition and forwarding it to concerned family and friends. Dear Mayor, Council and Gospel Rock Refinement Working Committee, We the undersigned are against the proposal to connect a new road on the Gospel Rock site for the reasons stated above. Sincerely,
The Town of Gibsons Website is listed below in case you'd like to contact Council directly: