Citizens for Responsible Growth of the Elkhart Lake Area
Dennis Murphy 0

Citizens for Responsible Growth of the Elkhart Lake Area

222 signers. Add your name now!
Dennis Murphy 0 Comments
222 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Signing this petition allows you to voice your opposition to the proposed construction between Elkhart and Crystal Lakes on Hwy J between Summit Road and Hwy A. This petition was initiated in response to the proposed development plans presented to the Village of Elkhart Lake Board on Monday August llth 2008. The proposed subdivision is located on land at the southwest corner of County Rd A and County Rd J in the Town of Rhine. The parcel is adjacent to the Village of Elkhart Lake. It is the owner's intent to request annexation of the approximately 25.7 acre parcel to the Village of Elkhart Lake for the purpose of developing a subdivision consisting of 43 single family building lots. The property is approximately 1500 ft from the shore of Elkhart Lake, adjacent to wetlands and within an environmental corridor. The concerns of the "Citizens for the Responsible Growth of the Elkhart Lake Area" are based on the following issues: 1 - Annexation conflicts with several tenants of the existing Village Plan. 2 - Approval of large scale developments just before the adoption of a new Comprehensive Plan for the Village is premature. Annexation conflicts with the vision property owners expressed in the "Smart Growth Long Range Planning Citizen Input Survey" (First step in the planning process, Conducted in 2004) 3 - The Village of Elkhart Lake is responsible for protecting the surface water and groundwater of the local watershed. Sensitive lands should be identified and developments carefully considered for potential adverse environmental impacts. Local citizenry has consistently voiced its interest in maintaining the rural character and scenic beauty of the Elkhart Lake area, as stated in the 2004 comprehensive plan citizen survey. 4 - This glacial kettle moraine area is unique to the county and the state. The natural resources here offer the county's best recreational opportunities. The scenic beauty is what attracts residents and tourists to the region. Preservation of this should be the highest priority for the Village. 5 - The DNR grant funded groundwater study of the local watershed to identify important recharge zones and groundwater flow to Elkhart Lake will be completed in 2010. A monitoring well to monitor groundwater flow will be installed adjacent to this proposed land for development. Why not wait until collected data Identifies groundwater levels and sensitive lands before development irreparably impacts groundwater We strongly urge the planning commission to comply with their existing plan and respect the wishes of the citizens of the area and request that they do not recommend this project to the Village Board.


This petition was started by concerned citizens opposed to the proposed construction. You can visit our site by going to

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