Croft 207 has been in my family since 1954 and I have had it since 1984. I love it and it is a very special place. The Crofters Commission now wish to TERMINATE MY TENANCY. This is politicially driven by the SNP as they are trying to rid the Highlands of absentee landlords. I am being hounded out even although I live in Scotland and look after my croft, maintain fences and plant trees. I have informal agreements with local crofters so they can use the land to graze their animals. I am being singled out as the other absentee crofters in my area live in USA, CANADA, GERMANY and HOLLAND. Why am I being hounded out? The beauty of my croft is that it has a wonderful position over looking the sea - SOMEONE WANTS A FREE HOUSE SITE. Please help me save my croft by signing the petition and encourage your friends to join in the fight too. The deadline is 28 March. I know many of you have enjoyed the Croft over the years so please help me save it! Thank you, Jeremy Gow