Colchester\'s Chariot Race Track to be Destroyed!

The 2nd largest chariot race track outside of Rome and the first chariot race track in England has been discovered in Colchester, England. It is 2000 years old and is rated as being of \'global significance\'. This is an extraordinarily important find, and is yet another marvelous jewel in the crown for Colchester\'s fame as Britain\'s Oldest Recorded Town. What an amazing find!! So, what is Colchester\'s council doing They\'re concreting it over and building a load of faceless flats on it. This is a dispicable act and is clearly a decision based on cash rather than doing the right thing and preserving this incredible find. For more info, read: http://news.bbc.co.uk/ 1/hi/england/essex/4148315.stm http://www.havengateway.org/ resources/viewnews.aspNewsID=120 www.catuk.org/ excavations/circus/index.html (please copy and paste the full URL into your browser) Please sign this petition so we can take your signatures to Colchester council and try to convince them that this historic find should not be vandalised and demolished and that we actually appreciate England\'s amazing history! Thank you in advance for trying to save a remarkable piece of our heritage!!