Save Clifton Park

We the undersigned protest the usage of any part of Clifton Park for the parking of any vehicles for Mini-Mart. The excessive damage caused by these vehicles degrades the quality of this park and prevents or diminishes the playability of recreational sports on these fields. This usage of Clifton Park is inappropriate and deprives the taxpayers and children of this Village the rights to use this park because of the resulting damage. Clifton Park should be used for the good of the village. We as parents spend a significant amount of our time grooming the fields and supplementing the Village staff to keep these fields in the best condition possible. It is deplorable to have the efforts of the community volunteers and employees ruined by one group in one day. We do fully support the efforts of Kiwanis and their philanthropic efforts, but agree that allowing Kiwanis to use this field is not in the best interest of this Village. The cost for repair of these fields is significant and is paid for by the taxpayers of the Village. As a result we cannot use the fields if they are damage and we have to pay for the repairs.