Cannes Trip 2008

We, the students of the Masters of Business Administration in Media Management program, are writing you in response to the cancellation of the Cannes 2008 study abroad trip. We believe that canceling this trip without first consideration of the students that would be affected was both irresponsible and unfair. During the meeting on Friday, students were left without a real sense of why the trip was canceled. Needless to say, no information pertaining to the other trip options was provided. We would like to emphasize that the Cannes trip is one of the highlights of the MBA in Media Management program that MCNY offers and, by the way, is still currently advertised on the schools website. Many students chose to attend your media management program over other programs, and the trip to Cannes was an integral part of that decision. As you know, the media industry is highly competitive, and MCNY prides itself of being a program that reflects the reality of the business world. Many students saw the Cannes trip as a window of opportunity to network in the media industry. As the students, we petition to you to reconsider the cancellation of this trip and ask for a financial breakdown of the cost associated with travel. As customers, we request the college provide the stellar service that was promised at the beginning of this relationship. Registration for Cannes is still open and there is enough time to register. This decision is not only a disservice to the students but also to the program and the school. This trip is a way to help students carry the MCNY name across the continent and represent the school in a much-needed positive light. We look forward to your timely response. Thank you in advance for your time and consideration. Sincerely, MBA Media Management Students