Save Camp Avery Hand
signers. Add your name now!

signers. Almost there! Add your voice!

We the scouts, adult scout leaders and concerned citizen of the Mansfield, Richland and other Counties of the Heart of Ohio Council oppose the sale of all or parts of Camp Avery Hand by the Heart of Ohio Council for any reason. Camp Avery Hand did not cause the financial problems of the HOOC nor should it be the solution. The board should be held accountable for the current state of affairs. If incapable of being stewards of the communities property then donate it back at no charge. We are sure better stewards of the land would step forward and use it as originally intended.
Concerned citizens and scouters
of the Mansfield and Richland
county area of Ohio.
A website to raise the national
awareness of problems facing local
communities when scout camps are
closed and program removed.