Save Birmingham City Council Conservation Department

To: Cllr Neville Summerfield, Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Planning, Birmingham City Council.
We the undersigned note the intention to disband the Conservation Group in the Council Planning Department, as outlined in the Birmingham City Council's February 23rd, 2010 Budget, Appendix B, to (Planning Management Service Review (Phase 2): Disband Conservation Group) We call for this part of the Budget plan to be withdrawn. It is shown this is intended to save a mere £350,000 a year. We believe that the consequence will be that Birmingham, an area with important nineteenth and early twentieth century buildings presently under threat from developers, will lose much of its history, distinctive character and aesthetic appeal, for ever. Tourism to Birmingham will, inevitably, suffer as well. Neither the regular Planning Department nor 'Out-sourced' Conservation workers will be able to supply the same service as the highly trained, experienced and locally knowledgeable Conservation specialists we now have.