Save Braj Bhoomi - Land of Shri Krishna
Hon\'ble President of India Hon\'ble Chief Justice of India Hon\'ble Prime Minister of India Hon\'ble Chief Justice of Rajasthan. Hon\'ble Governor of Rajasthan Subject: 1. Disastrous and callous mining Braj Hills, Hindu\'s holiest spiritual center. 2. Anguish and resentment among NRIs of USA over issue of brutal destruction of our Holy Hills in Braj Area. Respected everyone who can help us to save our Braj, This is to request you to please stop with immediate effect the most callous, severely ruinous and catastrophic rampant mining going on in our Holly Braj Hills area which is in the domain of state of Rajasthan. The speed and magnitude of wanton mining has destroyed those structures of holy hills which are termed as most scared in our scriptures. In US, India is categorically identified as a scared place where Lord Krishna performed his various transcendental leelas along with various Brajwasis. Millions of visitors come to visit this land, India\'s biggest identity around world. Most of the NRIs in US or in other parts of world feel proud to be associated with such a spiritual and charismatic land where Lord Krishna left his footprints, where lord Krishna performed those highly effusive leelas which have become lifeblood of spiritualism for us. But it is our sheer misfortune that we are witnessing brutal destruction of these holy hills. These hills were claimed by Lord Krishna as his manifested form. We NRIs in USA have heard from various preachers of Srimad Bhagvatam and Geeta who come here, that whole Braj is so sacred that even the smallest sand particle of Braj area is reverend and all hills of Braj are sacred forms of various God and Goddess who had wished to be part of Braj. Owing to above spiritual and religious facts it is a matter of great shame that this spiritual identity of India is being so callously and brutally destroyed by a few people for sake of just money with a great speed. Many of us after knowing these facts have visited the Braj area and have seen and verified the disastrous destruction of our spiritual center. We have learnt that Government of Rajasthan has banned mining activities within 500 mts of either side of \'Parikrima Marg\', though it is an appreciable step but at the same time it is meaningless as it effects hardly 17 mines in all, out of 294 mines. Remaining 277 mines are rampantly working to destroy Holly Braj Hills Completely. Moreover it has come to our notice that the state government is giving some absurd reasoning like ceasing of pity revenue generation and problem of unemployment for not banning the mining activities completely. It is absolutely unreasonable to have this kind of approach towards precious and sacred holly hills of Braj. What would happen to revenue generation and employment once if callous mining would have destroyed our sacred hills completely within few years from now If the destructive mining is not being stopped immediately then holly hills of Braj ,on which Lord Krishna has preformed various transcendental \'leelas\' and which contains identified & unidentified prints and symbols of historical & religious importance, shall be destroyed due to callous and ruinous rampant mining. In addition, there is the critical issue of environmental disaster due to seismic impact on earthquake fault lines that may cause natural calamities. The mining is also destroying the scenic beauty as a purely tourist attraction. We implore you that there should be an immediate banning of rampant mining going on in Braj Hills that is causing irrevocable damage with every passing minute. Restoration of hilly areas which have been destroyed by insensitive mining should be addressed immediately. We also extend our supporting hand for any support on any terms which can help save our most revered and sacred spiritual identity, the Braj. We look to you to preserve our holy land.