Save Ben and Kate
people have signed this petition. Add your name now!

people have signed. Add your voice!

Ben and Kate is a beautifully written, hilarious show. The actors do a fantastic job, the timing is superb and there's really nothing as fresh on TV right now. Ever since it's premier I've been hooked and have consistently looked forward to the next episode. I know I'm not the only one.
This show does not deserve the treatment it is getting by FOX. The decision makers over there have canceled other amazing shows in the past, only to have them snatched up by other networks (Arrested Development and Futurama.) And let's not forget the whole Family Guy debacle. It's time to tell FOX not to disappoint countless viewers again by canceling another show of such high quality.
The goal of this petition is to get FOX to understand that canceling Ben and Kate would be a huge mistake. This does not guarantee anything but hopefully getting the support of the fan base will be enough change their minds. So please sign and pass this petition on. Together maybe we can keep this show alive!