Save ASF
signers. Add your name now!

signers. Almost there! Add your voice!

This petition will provide a place for people, who have not been treated fairly by the current administration of ASF, to tell their stories in a safe place and know that it will be heard because this petition will be sent to every board member. Theatre, in and of it\'s nature, is a different business than any other. The people who work in theatre are more passionate and need to be able to express this passion. They also have an innate sense of fairness and concern for each other, because theatre is such a collaborative art form . Hopefully this will provide an outlet for that passion and concern.
My name is Le Hook and I was the Technical Director at ASF. But I represent many people who feel this theatre has lost its way and needs to be rescued from the current administation.
My email is lehook@charter.net
The former petition to save the MFA program at ASF.