Save our Strongsville Schools!

Sign this Petition to Stop the closing of Allen Elementary in June of 2010!!
A strong school system is one the most important foundations of a community. For years, Strongsville has been fortunate to have excellent school ratings, dedicated teachers, students and parents that care about their schools and want to be involved in the future and planning of their education. Last year, the School Board formed a committee that is currently proposing a plan to close one of the Elementary schools, Allen Elementary, as of June 2010.
This committee has not shared any information with parents, teachers, students or tax payers in the city of Strongsville. We were not given any say in this decision and as taxpayers we deserve the right to help decide how our taxdollars should be spent on education. Many parents would have liked the opportunity to be a part of this committee, but no communication was attempted through the school system. It seems as though the School Board did not want to "publicize" this committee and selectively chose the people participating.
This proposal will be presented on Thursday, March 11 at 7:00pm at the Strongsville High School. It will then be voted on by the Board of Education and passed unless we:the people, parents and taxpayers of Strongsville make it known that we do not support this action! Please come to this meeting and support community involvement in this decision!
This school closing would displace over 530 students, as Allen is one the largest Elementary schools in Strongsville. These students would all then be split up from their friends and teachers they have known throughout their school days and dispersed to other Elementary schools, causing larger class sizes, more bussing and a decrease in property value for the homes surrounding the area. This would end a school that next year would be celebrating 50 years of commitment to children and their education. Is this the way we should celebrate the anniversary? By closing the school?
We are asking the School Board to involve the parents and taxpayers of strongsville as to what the best solutions for cost savings for the school system may be in moving forward. Please sign this petition to help us save Allen Elementary and send a message to our School Board of Education that closing a school is not the answer for continued long term success for our community education system!