Save Tyler!

In the most rencent issue of the Crozier, Tyler wrote an article called \"Big T\'s Tiny Opinions.\" After this article was published, Mrs. Young began a petition amongst the faculty to get Tyler removed the Crozier Staff. Mrs. Young, in an extremeley cowardly act, chose not to talk with Tyler about the article in question but rather began to mount an attack against the Crozier and Tyler without either parties knowledge. The article in question was never intended to offend any teachers and was not deemed offensive by any of the Crozier staff, the Editor-In-Chief or the faculty moderator before being published. The faculty has started a petition to get Tyler removed. This is the petition to keep Tyler in the Crozier. Sign this petition if you wish to support Tyler in his writing and duties as a member of the Crozier. Sign this petition if you agree that a school newspaper should not be censored to prevent dissenting opinions from challenging the faculty\'s authority. Sign this petition as a student who is willing to stand up for other students and not give into school administration.