Keep Pro-Ana sites alive!
Anabelle smith 0

Keep Pro-Ana sites alive!

94 signers. Add your name now!
Anabelle smith 0 Comments
94 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

This petition is to stop Pro-Ana sites being shut down! Many are everyday, though their owners have spent months or so setting them up! Not only that, but these sites aren\'t evil, they are helping othes with eating disorders through their hard times. We need these sites, please, sign this petition for out freedem of speech! I want to send off by about June. Websites saying it\'s ok to be fat are accepted, people need to realise there\'s another side too. The skinny side!


I\'m Anabelle Smith, creator of the Pro-Ana site ~free the butterfly within~. I\'ve been anorexic for a while now, and all through that time I\'ve had plenty of help and support from Pro-ana sites, and learnt I\'m not alone.

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