Jacqui Lovell 0

Save Our Parents

220 signers. Add your name now!
Jacqui Lovell 0 Comments
220 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now


Save Our Parents an Appeal from the Bokuli - Bombito Family


 Please stillsign the petition and pass it on as it is evidence in support of the families Human Rights Claim that they have a community around them! Many Thanks and read on for GREAT NEWS!!! Ohohohoh My God is goodoh!

The GOOD NEWS IS THAT THE REMOVAL of Papa Nestor and Mama Marie has been stopped pending Judicial Review!!!!!

The solicitor from Fadiga and Co has just called Papa Nestor's son to let him know, so we are just waiting to hear that Papa Nestor and Mama Marie have been told as they are in the van on the way to the airport!



Re: B1176643. Mr Nestor Na Bokwala N’djoli Bokuli (18/11/41) and Mrs Marie Louise Likoka Bombito (28/03/46)

Since 2003 Papa Nestor and Mama Marie have been living in the UK and have a loving and sustained relationship with their son and their daughter, their respective families and their 10 grandchildren and one great grandchild born on 29/03/11 whom they may never see if returned to the DR Congo.

Having both fled the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) because of the persecution that Papa Nestor suffered due to his participation in political activities as an active member of the Union for Democracy and Social Progress (UDPS) they sought and have been refused refuge here in the UK.

The Home Office and the UKBA want to send them both back to DRC this coming Monday the 11th of April, 2011.

(See link to papers at the right hand side of this web page outlining the Operational Guidance Notes that are currently used in order to determine the outcome for UDPS members currently seeking asylum here in the UK. For further information re this then click onto the links to see notes explaining the full implications of these papers for UDPS members from the DRC)

Papa Nestor has also participated in various Congolese Resistance groups in the UK, such as Apareco (Alliance des Patriotes pour la Refondation du Conco), CRC (Congolese Resistance Council) with whom he has attended various demonstrations. If this information is known to the authorities then they fear for their life as there are often reprisals for such actions by the Government in the DRC.

The fact that the DRC government could easily arrest and kill members of UDPS, Apareco or CRC means that Papa Nestor and Mama Marie face clear and present danger if they are returned to DRC.

To send them back to DRC would have a detrimental impact on them as well as on their family here in the UK. They would lose the relationship that they have built in the last 7 years with their grandchildren and the one they have spent a lifetime building with their children. Their grandchildren will be deprived of their right to continue to enjoy having their grandparents in their life. They are as you can imagine understandably already despairing as a result of this news, as up until 7 years ago, they had never met their grandparents and now after such a short amount of time, they are about to lose them and they will probably not even be able to see them to say goodbye.

 If this planned removal goes ahead then their family seriously doubt that they will ever be able to see their parents and grandparents again as their health is not good and it is thought that following the recent death in February of this year of their beloved son in the DRC and the stress of this removal they may both deteriorate rapidly. Since the untimely death of their son they have spent time in Slough with their daughter trying to recover from what is a difficult period in both their lives. To lose a parent is hard but for a parent to lose a child as a parent is often unbearable!

They are still understandably distraught, still grieving for their loss and have now been arrested and placed in detention pending their removal this Monday the 11th of April 2011.

Coupled with this is the fact that without the access they need to not only the support of their immediate family but also to the practical support they are offered by the health and care services here they will be unable to survive in the environment which currently exists within the DRC for older people.

Papa Nestor will be 70 years of age in November 2011 and Mama Marie is 63 year old; they are feeling weak and are mentally destroyed by the events of the last two months and this week. Their immediate family here in the UK fear for their lives if they are returned to DRC.

They are very dependent on both their daughter and their son who have leave to remain here in the UK. There have a been a number of occasions when they have had to receive urgent medical attention for instance when Papa Nestor had a Cardio Vascular Accident (a stroke) approximately 1-2 years ago, it was his children who took him to receive medical care or when Mama Marie had fallen and hurt her back and was in serious pain and needed her children to be there for her. She is still undergoing medical treatment here in the UK and has now missed an important appointment as a result of being arrested on Thursday of this week.

If they are returned to DRC they will lose this support. Having them in the UK has meant that not only have they been able to enjoy the last 7 years with their family but that their son and daughter and their extended family have been able to ensure that the health and well-being of their parents is being maintained as much as is possible given their advancing age.

Having their parents sent to DRC is not something that their children want as both their son and daughter and their families are willing and ready to support them fully and take them into their homes and have them living with them without the need for recourse to public funds.

So please help US STOP the impending removal of Mr Nestor Na Bokwala N’djoli Bokuli 18/11/41 and Mrs Marie Louise Likoka Bombito 28/03/46. (Case ref: B1176643) by agreeing to sign the petition below and adding your support to the campaign to help this elderly couple remain here in the UK with the family that loves them and whom they love.

Every signature makes a difference so please share this with others in your address book, on facebook and via your other networks.

And lastly we would like to say a BIG THANKYOU to you for taking the time to read and respond to our request for support on behalf of the family and friends of Papa Nestor and Mama Marie Louise.

Please be aware that when you sign the petition is does NOT always place your signature at the end of the line, so you might need to scroll through them to find yours! Sorry folks!


developing partners cic - is a community led and operates as a not for profit organisation that is led and run by its many diverse members. dp's main aim is to enable the voices of those least often heard to be listened to and taken acocunt of in any process in which it is engaged. It does NOT use capital letters in its name to show solidarity with people at the bottom of the social hierarchy. It is based in Stockton on Tees and operates across the Tees Valley, regionally and at times is involved in national and international campaigns and work on behalf of its members.




Letter to be used at 3pm on the 11th of April to let Kenya Airways know how you feel about their taking this elederly couple oN their airplane to the DRC.

Please phone / fax or email them as per contact details on the letter.

Just copy and paste using the right click of your computer mouse!




Notes from the Operational Guidance Notes used by the UKBA to make asylum decisions in relation to members of the UDPS from the DRC.




DR Congo Operational Guidance Notes used by the UKBA and the Home Office to make asylum decisions in relation to people from the DR Congo.




Evidence of what can happen in the airport on return to the DRC




Paper from the United Nations Human Rights Council on the situation in the DR Congo published in March of 2010 so more up to date than the Operational Guidance Notes currently being used to make asylum decisions by the UKBA and the Home Office.

It is highly critical of the current government and the failure to protect and stop persecuting their own people.








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