Save Ion & his family from Homelessness

Re: Ion Matache & family, Calea Grivitei nr.60-62, Sector 1, Bucharest, Romania.
I am hoping that people will join me in this petition to put pressure on the Romanian Government, through its UK Ambassador and my MEP, to save my long suffering Romanian friend and his family from homelessness.
Ion is the holder of the “Diploma of Honour in the Revolution of December 1989” and yet to date he has been left to try to survive in almost destitution at the above address (which is without a Bathroom or Toilet). Now it seems that (under Law 112?) Ion’s home is now to be taken from him, to be "returned" to the decendants of the pre war owners, who plan to demolish the homes on the site for commercial redevelopment, and the Romanian Government will do nothing to help him, leaving Ion, his Wife and 3 young children homeless. I fail to see how such a situation can be allowed in a modern, civilised European State.
Ion is currently unemployed, and still suffering the effects of an earier accident and numerous health problems, and without any benefits from the Romanian State already battles daily to prevent his familiy from starving. It seems that the Romanian state seems willing to stand idly by and let him and his young family become homeless, and potentially starve on the streets. I hope that you are able to support this petition to the Romanian Government demanding that they take action to prevent this from happening to Ion and his family.
Many thanks for your support. Yours sincerely John
Here is Ion's story in his own words (I asked him to write this):
