Get South Korea's character back on Hetalia!
This petition is to help get Hetalia's South Korea back on the show.Hetalia is a comedic anime about personified countries and world history,mainly around WW1 & WW2.
This show was originally going to be on TV,but Korean protesters found it offensive.They thought that Yong-Soo Im,or South Korea,was a perv that tried to grope people.They also thought it was offensive because his hanbok (traditional Korean outfit) was wrong.
About the whole "groping" part,I think they're being a little too touchy.France's character is a damn rapist,guys!And unlike Koreans,the French actually laugh at their character. (I have to admit,France is hilarious.)
And by the way,Hetalia is not meant to be offensive OR accurate,so I think those protesters should take a second thought.I LOVE Hetalia, and South Korea is one of my favorite characters.All of you Hetalia fans,try to sign this petition!!!!!