eevee lution 0

Save Wynncraft!

12 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
eevee lution 0 Comments
12 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

As some of you may know, Mojang have recently disallowed things such as VIP ranks or items4money on servers. This was to try to stop servers being Pay2Win. But, as most people that have had experience with Wynncraft know, Wynncraft is certainly NOT Pay2Wynn. The reason for this is:


It does give a new class to use, but it's as balanced as any other class. Non-paying people still have 3 classes to play through.

It does give double XP, but it isn't any type of edge. The Nether doesn't give any advantage to high levels, except for spells. This is to counteract the newcomers from using a very good class for the nether and giving no chance to the eople that have put lots and lots of time into playing the game. VIPs still put in lots and lots of time playing the game.

VIP Gear is only useful in low-level duels, which are rare as most people grind all the time at these levels.

More soulpoints has nbothing to do with PVP, therfore being a client-side advantage, aka not an unfair one.

Bigger Parties benefit all the players, so it's not an advantage. It's something that helps out others.

More Bank Space is, once again, a client-side advantage.

VIP Forums are the equivalent of the shoutbox, but the messages stay there forever. Not an advantage.

Name colour and flying/non invis in lobby IS actually extremely OP. the lobby is the most important part of the adventure, and a green name will make yoiu extremely OP in PvP. (sarcasm)

Just to summarize - VIP's perks are mostly client sided with no advantages in things where advantages matter. Wynncraft is basically a single-player game where you see other players and can talk with them, not a PVP game where advantages such as these matter.

If you are a Non-VIP, I would appreciate it if you would leave a comment about how you feel about VIP and if not having VIP perks made you disadvantageous when facing VIPs.

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