Save Winter Highschool Sports

As we as a country/state are all faced with unprecedented times as a result of a global pandemic, the need to find some semblance of normality is paramount to all in our stressed communities. We have experienced countless hardships, the most of all death for many across our nation. While we need to exercise appropriate caution to combat COVID, we also need to understand the stress, anxiety, and negative impact those measures can create. With so many restrictions, guidelines, and unknowns, our young people require some careful thought about their overall well being outside of just combating the pandemic.
While Governor Murphy and his team of advisors contemplate specific measures to ensure the safest approach to functioning as a society in NJ, the notion of modifying or canceling winter sports seems to continually rear it's head as one of his potential solutions, this in a time when children will have limited outlets due to weather.
While protecting the overall health of all NJ citizens is paramount, .the mental health of adolescents, is a primary concern parents, teachers, and coaches. The recent effects of COVID19 has dramatically impacted the ability to access healthy and sustainable coping mechanisms. Sports in general offers a capacity to create a healthy environment from a physical, social, and mental standpoint. While one cannot ascertain what the long term effects of COVID19 will have on a young person's development, it has been proven through countless studies the positive impact that team athletics has on those same developing young people. The prevalence of depression's, anxiety, and suicidality continues to increase at alarming rates. We the undersigned, respectfully request that Governor Murphy explore every available option to ensure that our young people of NJ have the opportunity to participate and engage in one of the major known activities that foster a healthy child. Please keep winter sports viable for the sake of our children of NJ.