Save the Wolves in Idaho
Please stand with me to put a stop to the extermination of the two
Wolf packs that are being killed in Idaho.
The State of Idaho’s Governor and the Department of Fish & Wildlife has hired a Hunter/Trapper to kill two Wolf Packs of Six wolves within the State’s Frank Church- River of no Return Wilderness. This action has to be stopped. Animal lovers passionately expressed their feelings about wolves.
Fish and Game’s elk management plan authorizing the agency to hire a hunter-trapper to eliminate two packs of six wolves in the Frank Church-River of No Return Wilderness. John Robison, public land director of the Idaho Conservation League, asked the people filling the Washington Group Center auditorium for a show of hands for people angry about the killing.
The majority raised their hands.
Boise resident Pam Marcum told the commission to “please have some grit to cancel the wolf eradication.”
In addition, Jen Pierce, a geology professor at Boise State University, read a statement from 15 scientists, including professors at the University of Idaho and Idaho State University, protesting the killing.
“We feel your decision to hire a professional hunter to exterminate two wolf packs in the Frank Church Wilderness does not demonstrate informed management, both economically and ecologically, and contradicts the mission statement of the Idaho Fish and Game,” Pierce said. “Sending in the hunter-trapper prior to the IDFG state elk management meeting on January 16th is also perplexing.”
So far, the agency’s hunter-trapper has killed nine wolves in the wilderness area, said Jon Rachael, Fish and Game's big game manager.
It may already may be to late to save any of the remaining Wolves as nine of the twelve have already been killed.