Save the Vancouver Playhouse

Hi Friends. The devastating closure of the Vancouver Playhouse is not only Vancouver's loss; it is Canada's loss. Simply stated, neither Canadian theatre artists nor our audiences can afford the loss. Let's talk to each other and find the solution. It starts by sending your voice to those in power. By signing this petition, you are declaring that the closure is not acceptable, that culture in Vancouver and in Canada is not expendable and that every measure should be taken to save the institution. All collected signatures will be sent to the following: Ida Chong - Minister of Community, Sport & Cultural Development (ida.chong.mla@leg.bc.ca), Gregor Robertson - Vancouver City Mayor (gregor.robertson@vancouver.ca), City of Vancouver Cultural Services (gillian.wood@gov.bc.ca), James Moore - Heritage Minister (email message website: www.pch.gc.ca/pc-ch/minstr/moore/cntct/index-eng.cfm), Jeff Schulz - Chair of the Playhouse Board of Governors (schulz@shaw.ca). Once you have signed the petition, please post the link to your Facebook and Twitter feeds. It is extremely important to keep spreading the word. Feel free to write to these officials on your own as well. #SavethePlayhouse