Save the trees for good!

All trees in the wilderness shall be under national protection. You are allowed to do what you want with anytree on your property. There will besingled out areas for logs to be felled to companies that chop down trees. For each tree these companies cut down they will need to plant 2 more.
Certain trees are not allowed and are under endangered species and wont be cut down except for number limitation.
Number limitation is the amount of trees there are in a certain area.There needs to be a certain amount of trees and it has to be between a low and a high. If the number of trees is above the high, trees must be cut down until the number is 20 below the high. If the number is in the low you plant more trees until you have planted to 20 above the low. Officials in each state will vote for the high and low for trees.
If the forests get chopped down even more, bad things could happen. Trees are one of the main fabrications in our survival. They produce oxygen and take in carbon dioxide, all plants do this but not as much as trees. We need to protect them.