Save the Gladiator Tomb in Rome (Mausoleum of Marcus Nonius Macrinus on the Via Flaminia)

In the name of preserving one of the most important discoveries in Rome in decades, we appeal to:
* Ministro Lorenzo Ornaghi, Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali
* dott. Luigi Malnati, Direttore Generale per le Antichita', Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali
* dott.ssa Mariarosaria Barbera, Soprintendente, Soprintendenza Speciale per i Beni Archeologici di Roma
* Anna Maria Buzzi, General Director, General Directorate of Management and Promotion of Cultural Heritage
* Gianni Alemanno, Mayor of Rome
* Marco Perina, Assessore alla Cultura del XX Municipio
The site of the "Gladiator tomb" is one of overwhelming cultural and historic value not only for Italy but for all of humanity. Given the response from the academic world and public enthusiasm since its discovery in 2008 for the incredible level of preservation of the site, quality of the tombs and section of Via Flaminia road, and identification of Marcus Nonius Macrinus' mausoleum (readily linked in the press with Academy Award®-winning actor Russell Crowe's Maximus Gladiator character from Ridley Scott's film Gladiator), we believe that the study of site should continue and the site should not be abandoned nor reburied.
Currently, the funding of cultural heritage in Italy (and the world) is, indeed, lamentably lacking, but the "Gladiator tomb" site is exactly the sort of discovery that serves to remind us we need to support heritage sites beyond the initial excavation, discovery, and study. And few discoveries around world have struck a chord with such a large worldwide audience. Conservation of the site merits further attention and discussion on costs and overall plans for the site should be open for further discussion.
We, the undersigned archaeologists, scholars, scientists, and members of the general public from all over the world now join with an increasingly large number of Italian citizens to raise our voices in protest against the covering of this unique site and we advocate a forum to discuss alternative solutions.
Versione Italiana
Ancient Encyclopedia History, January 31, 2013
Interview with Darius Arya regarding the site, why it's worth fighting for, and what steps are being taken right now to preserve it.
Time magazine, January 23, 2013
Time journalist Stephan Faris writes an in-depth summary of what's at stake for Macrinus' mausoleum and the necropolis site. He speaks extensively with the Italian authorities involved to examine the conservation issues, and also speaks with Darius Arya (AIRC) about the intentions and effects of the ongoing ipetition.
3News, New Zealand, December 31, 2012
Le Monde, December 24, 2012
The Daily Star, Lebanon, December 24, 2012
CNN with Ben Wedeman reporting, December 21, 2012
Video piece on Italy's austerity cuts that are having effect on many heritage sites and monuments, including the gladiator tomb. Reporting also included interviewing Superintendency's Daniela Rossi (site excavator) and Darius Arya of AIRC, regarding the ipetition.
China Post, December 21, 2012
News24, December 19, 2012
La Repubblica, December 15, 2012
The Superintendency of Rome (SAR) has, for the moment decided to temporarily and provisionally cover the monuments in the site (with tarps, etc.) rather than rebury the site, as previously declared last week. Russell Crowe (@russellcrowe) communicates with AIRC via twitter (@saverome)
The Times, December 14, 2012
Focuses on Russell Crowe's words in support of the tomb and site preservation of cultural heritage.
Vigna Clara blog, December 13, 2012
Interview of Darius Arya on the ipetition's aims and goals.
Summary of events December 4- 12, 2012
AIRC news, December 12, 2012
La Repubblica, p. 36, December 12, 2012
Editorial by Corrado Augias
Vigna Clara Blog, December 12, 2012
Response by Marco Perina of XX Municipio, Roma regarding the Gladiator Tomb site.
La Repubblica, December 11, 2012
The article documents the clamor around the closing of the site. AIRC mentioned again for its goal of 5000 signatures to protect the site.
TV show Che Tempo Che Fa (RAI3), December 10, 2012
Mention of the Gladiator Tomb and the AIRC's efforts to protect the sites through the ipetition.
Hispanic Business.com, December 10, 2012
Daily Mail, UK, December 10, 2012
La Repubblica, December 10, 2012
Actor Russell Crowe supports preserving the Gladiator Tomb. The American Institute for Roman Culture starts an online petition to encourage the superintendency to consider all options before reburial of site.
The Observer, December 9, 2012
Important sites like the gladiator tomb are falling victim to dramatic budget cuts in the heritage ministry in Italy.
La Repubblica, December 4, 2012
The superintendency needs to protect the site, already subjected to difficult environmental conditions. The freezing temperatures cause damage to the worked stone blocks of the tomb. Recognizing that funds are lacking the suiperintendency's solution is to temporarily rebury the site for immediate preservation of the remains.