Save the Roebuck Inn Sixpenny Handley
The current owners of the Roebuck Inn have closed the pub as they have retired. They feel the business is unviable and have sought change of use to convert the building into flats. We feel that the loss of the pub is detrimental to the future of the village, that the pub should reopen and become a vibrant hub in the village
The CLT has already successfully objected to change of use, but the owners are planning to appeal. The Parish Council and CLT will vigorously object and the CLT wishes to purchase the pub and reopen it as a community led pub. We are developing a business case to show how with community support the pub could be successful and provide an income for a couple managing it.
This petition will be used to object against any future planning appeal or application, it will support the business case and the sale of community shares in the future.