SAVE The Quick Hit Briefing!

I’m afraid I have some sad news to share with you. Due to recent organizational changes here at Cisco, it is likely that the Cisco Partner Quick Hit Briefing series will end in July. UNLESS YOU CAN HELP ME.
The Cisco Partner Quick Hit Briefing is a special session for Cisco Commercial Territory partners to learn more about Cisco products, programs and promotions. Quick Hit Briefings have been an ongoing weekly WebEx partner briefing event held every Thursday at 9:30 a.m. ET since FY13. To date, we've had over 50,000 partner attendees attend 200+ briefings and have received overwhelmingly positive feedback. The entire series of events is available at: http://cs.co/quickhit/
If you find value in the Cisco Partner Quick Hit Briefing Series, I need to hear from you! I am lobbying to have this series continue in FY18 but I need your help.
Please sign this petition and let me know why you want the Quick Hit Briefing series to continue. I promise to continue delivering valuable information and interesting topics each week!
Thanks in advance.
Brian Avery