Save the Los Alamos Ski Club!

Pursuant to Section D-2 of the Los Alamos Ski Club bylaws, we, the petitioners, require that the Board of Directors forms a committee to consider options for retaining club ownership and management of the Pajarito Mountain Ski Area. The committee will consist of 5 people of our choosing plus a board member willing to be an advocate for this committee. This committee shall be given an opportunity to make a 1 hour presentation at a membership meeting or special meeting, to distribute the proposal to the club membership via the electronic newsleter, and to make verbal and written presentations equal to other board presentations which advocate the sale, lease or exchange of club assets or the dissolution of the club. It is our purpose to work with the board, not against, for the benefit of the broader membership. We know that the reality of retaining ownership of our ski hill is challenging. We know that you have considered several options, but we do not feel you have adequately researched all the options and fairly presented them to the club membership.