As of April 20, 2012 - the 2nd Anniversary of the Deepwater Horizon Disaster - we have a backdrop of recently published scientific studies indicating sick and dying dolphins, coral and other sea life; bacteria laden tar balls washing onto beaches, UV lights showing Gulf swimmers with toxic chemicals on their skin, an intoxicated Gulf food chain, and a Macondo geohazard risk zone over a mile below the surface that some experts say has the potential of releasing toxic gas and oil into the Gulf of Mexico for the next 25 years. Behind this deepwater curtain, there are still many unknowns about the BP Oil Spill events and response. But we can change that!
FACT: Nothing effective is being done to clean up the unaccounted for oil-plus-toxic-dispersants (Corexit) incased in the water column and seabed of the Gulf of Mexico still threatening all life along the coast.
FACT: Reports continue to stream in from those living in the Gulf coastal regions exclaiming new oil slicks appearing off their shores. These are trivialized as "natural seeps" despite ample evidence that man-made seabed floor fractures are releasing substantial amounts of oil daily.
FACT: Despite Federal and State Government Oil Spill Cleanup Policies now proven to be wholly inadequate, nothing substantive has changed in regulations governing oil spill response methods, resulting in the endorsement of systems that will add more toxic chemical poisons to our waters and environment in future spills.
FACT: These policies, expressed in the EPA's National Contingency Plan governing all emergency response to toxic spills, have been unduly influenced by vested interests who prefer to hide oil by using dispersants, not to clean it up.
FACT: All attempts to obtain authorization from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for the use of proven, non-toxic, safer oil cleanup methods are under blockade.
FACT: The EPA has refused to allow anything but toxic chemical dispersants to be used on oil spills and continue to justify the devastation caused by such as "necessary tradeoffs."
FACT: Throughout the Deepwater Horizon disaster, there have been non-toxic solutions available to clean it up; solutions already on the EPA's official list of approved products for oil spill cleanup.
FACT: Our federal government will not permit the Gulf States to use these known non-toxic methods to clean up their own waters and has given no valid science-based reasons as to why.
Help Make the Message Loud and Clear:
We the people demand:
- That the use of toxic chemical dispersants or any other scientifically-identified, toxic dispersants used for oil spill "cleanup," be banned immediately in US navigable waters and all environments.
- The immediate withdrawal of the EPA's preapproval (blanket okay) for the use of toxic dispersants in US Navigable Waters as part of the National Contingency Plan.
- And finally, we demand preapproval and authorization for non-toxic bio-remediation methods already screened by EPA scientists and approved (Bio-remediation Agent Type EA-OSE II*) to be deployed immediately to bring the Gulf waters and environments back to good health.