Save the Confederate Flag
This is a petition to save the Confederate Flag. The southern battle Flag has been misused, misrepresented and disrespected by groups using it to promote hate and bias. The American civil war saw more American lives lost than all other modern wars combined. This symbol is not one of hate but of heritage and respect. Respect for those who fought for political agendas they had no say in. Those who defended their lively hood in the south are not at fault for agendas of politicians. This is our history and hundreds of thousands died without complaint to defend this symbol and their idea of an American society. The rich benefit and those who fight die. The southern poor defended their lands and ideals. This is not a symbol of racism or bigotry but one of defending what is yours. Those with money and political connections were not fighting for this, only hoping to reap benefits. It is utterly shameful this Flag is a sign of racial in equality and not a symbol of individual freedom from oppressive government. Many groups adopt this as a message of hate and many see this symbol for what it is, a rebellious symbol of government control. This is history not hate; politicians create these divides for personal gain, without recognizing those who fought against an oppressive government. So look around are you free, free to pursue happiness without constraint, free to live on the land; you are not, this Flag is a symbol of freedom, freedom of creating your own happiness, life and personal wealth. Look around, there is no free land, our free society is a facade, taxes, laws, government over reach. No American is free, this Flag represents the spirit of those who do not need government control, taxes and intrusion in this great land of the free and home of the brave.