Jane Kelley

Save the Character of our Woodmont Blvd. Corridor

285 signers. Add your name now!
Jane Kelley
285 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Dear Neighbors,

We write to ask your help in supporting an effort to preserve the character of our beautiful Woodmont Boulevard corridor.

A developer currently owns the property located at 3625 Woodmont Boulevard, corner of Grayswood Ave. and Woodmont, and is planning to demolish one home and build 6 narrow homes in its place (see diagram below). All of the homes would face Woodmont, and be approximately 16 feet wide.

This property is located in the old Woodmont corridor that was originally developed in the 1930s-40s. There are mature trees, larger lawns, and an appropriate lot size per single family home. What is being proposed is a dramatic deviation from the defining character of our neighborhood. If this development moves forward, it would reduce the lot frontage down to one sixth of its original size, and could set a dangerous precedent for the future of our established area.

The Wimbledon to Woodmont Neighborhood Association has been at work for over a year, trying to prevent this from happening. We do support smart growth and redevelopment for the future of our neighborhood and city. We do support neighbors who wish to renovate their homes and improve their home values. We do not support development that only serves to maximize profit for one.

We are going before the Board of Zoning Appeals this week and we need your help.

Please sign this petition showing your opposition to this proposal of 6 homes. We need your signature as soon as possible, preferably by tomorrow, Monday April 12 at noon. The absolute latest date to submit your signature is Wed. April 15.

To sign this petition expressing your opposition to the plan to build 6 homes at 3625 Woodmont Boulevard, please do the following on the top right area of your screen:

1) Type in your First and Last Name in the "NAME" field.
2) Type in your email address into the "EMAIL" field.
3)Type your home address in the "COMMENTS" field.
4) Click "SIGN NOW".

You may also contact the Wimbledon to Woodmont Neighborhood Association's Communication Director for more information or to sign a paper petition: Mary Margaret Peel, jcmmp@comcast.net.

Thank you! Your support makes all the difference!

Wimbledon to Woodmont Neighborhood Association

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