Hussam Baradei 0

Save the Burrlington Outdoor Resource Centre

33 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Hussam Baradei 0 Comments
33 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

--Petition to the Government of Ontario-- --25 signatures are needed-

Borc also referred to as Burrlington Outdoor Resource Centre. Is a York Region School Board owned property dedicated to teaching children from grade 3-7 about the wild. Borc is the oldest YRDSB owned building, which is over 150 years old.Recently the Goverment of Ontario has released plans to expand Hwy 427, right into Borc. Removing Borc will remove a historical building that was built 150 years ago. Not to mention future generations will miss out on the once in a live time expernience. At Borc students learn how to work efficiently as a team and learn numerous survival skills such as using maps efficiently, compass's and identifying land marks to keep track of location. With this historical, and educational building Borcs removal will drastically impact students across the York Region School board and will remove a major part of Canadian History ! So please join me and sign this Petition to keep Borc!

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