Let your voice be heard if you, or someone you know needs the arts to survive! Rob Ford wants to shut down all arts funding... this could not only kill dreams and happiness, but some people could loose their lives without this passion. The arts are the only activity that anyone of any age, race etc. can enjoy as a community. It provides jobs, reasons to live, joy, and so much for so many people. My school is an arts school (like many other amazing schools we are lucky enough to have now), and without funding, thousands of us will have difficulty adjusting to life without the arts... or not be able to live at all. IF YOU SIGN THIS YOU ARE LETTING ROB FORD KNOW THAT THE ARTS CANNOT DIE BY CUTTING ARTS FUNDS. TORONTO, AND THE REST OF THE WORLD NEEDS THE ARTS, IF HE CUTS FUNDING, HE WILL BE CRUSHING SO MANY PEOPLES FUTURES. PLEASE SIGN THIS PETITION AND PASS IT ALONG!