Save the animals from Bill 37
kristina hedley 0

Save the animals from Bill 37

866 signers. Add your name now!
kristina hedley 0 Comments
866 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
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> Jack MacLaren MPP, former president of the militant Ontario Landowners' Association, has put forward a motion in the provincial legislature which was carried on February 23, 2012, which could remove all protection afforded to animals in this province. The bill includes: Repealing the definition of "distress", which is the legal definition on which animal abuse charges is based. Removing all penalties for animal abuse violations. Stripping the OSPCA of all enforcement powers and abolishing the Animal Care Review Board (which currently hears appeals from people whose animals have been removed by the OSPCA). Stopping the OSPCA from removing animals from abusive situations. Taking away the OSPCA's authority to order owners to take proper steps to care for their pets (e.g. ordering an owner to provide water, appropriate shelter or veterinary care). Removing the legal obligation of veterinarians to report animal abuse. The only recourse animals would have would be the Criminal Code of Canada, which is far more difficult to enforce and would be enforced only by police. Concerns include whether all police officers have sufficient specialized knowledge of animal husbandry to recognize distress, whether they have the skills to deal with exotic, dangerous or aggressive animals and whether the police service has enough resources to take on this extra role. The OSPCA would be forced to keep animals in their care when their owners are charged with animal abuse. Even if these owners are subsequently convicted, the OSPCA would have to pass on the proceeds of the "sale" of the abused animals to their former owners. The OSPCA would not have the option of putting livestock up for adoption - the law would force them to sell horses, cattle, donkeys, pigs etc. at public auctions only. It is truly shocking that such medieval legislation could even be tabled for consideration in a progressive country like Canada. However, this has been proposed by the former head of the Ontario Landowners' Association (OLA), Jack MacLaren. This militant right-wing grouping has strong support in eastern Ontario, where Jack MacLaren recently defeated a long-time MPP Norm Sterling. Sterling refused to campaign for MacLaren following his defeat. It has been argued that the PC has had little choice but to allow Jack MacLaren to stand because the OLA has so much support in eastern Ontario. He is currently a member of the Justice standing committee. > Background - Following a refusal by MNR in 2003 to issue hunting permits for deer that were eating farmers' crops, the animals were killed illegally in a deer hunt to which the media was invited. A photograph was taken of one of the bullet-riddled bodies, with a name tag "Leona" attached to it. This was emailed by Randy Hillier to then environment minister Leona Dombrowsky. (This "action" was taken by the Lanark Landowners Association, one of the organizations which amalgamated to form the OLA in 2006.) The group has opposed the OSPCA at every turn. In one instance IN 2007, an effigy dressed up as an OSPCA officer was placed outside the OSPCA's Sudbury branch with the name of one the local inspectors attached to it. The effigy was then set alight. Police have also had to intervene at an OLA protest outside one of the OSPCA's AGMs (2006). Police also had to intervene at an Animal Care Review Board hearing in 2005 in eastern Ontario due actions taken by the then Lanlark Landowner's Association, when Randy Hillier was at the helm. In 2008 Jack MacLaren, then head of the OLA, was charged with mischief following a demonstration in which staff at a local municipality were prevented from working. ( I think our recourse is to write our MPPs and/or start a petition- fast. The next reading is March 29, there's supposed to be a debate but I'm aware (from other horrible bills that got passed) that they sometimes skip that part. It's disgusting that this got past the first reading. for a full reading of the bill, paste this in your browser:

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