Save the African Serval in Texas
Kristy Acevedo 0

Save the African Serval in Texas

554 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Kristy Acevedo 0 Comments
554 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Save the African Serval from being banned in Texas

The serval is a small cat, quite often a pet...usually reaches a max of 40 pounds and eats mainly rodents and birds.

The Serval flees from humans rather than attacks. So why is the serval listed as a Dangerous Wild Animal?

There is a history of TWO Serval BITES in the past 23 YEARS but 4,700,000 DOG BITES each and every YEAR, requiring 800,000 incidents requiring hospitalization. So which is safer - serval or dog?

The names/signatures on this petition will never be sold or shared with any third parties other than the Texas legislators. We will keep you up-to-date on how we are progressing via email.

Please help keep Servals legal!!!!

Sign this petition today! And you do not have to donate to iPetition to do it. Just ignore their requests.

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