Save Teet Margna's Videos!

Dear YouTube,
It has come to my attention
that one of my favorite YouTubers, TeetMargna, his account had been
terminated for "due to multiple or severe violations of YouTube's policy
against spam, gaming, misleading content, or other Terms of Service
violations." There was nothing misleading about his content, nor did I
see of any type, or any kind of spam nor anything that would violate
your website's terms of service. All he
posted videos of is HIS (notice how I said his because he made original
content with permission of property owners, after all they were videos
of him hosting game shows as a part of his production company in
Estonia) content, I do not see anything that would be considered "Spam",
obviously it was a troll false-flagging his videos, or something of
that nature. Please take a look in this matter, and please reactivate
his account and overturn the suspension, because it is obvious he didn't
do anything that would invoke a suspension. Thank you sirs and madames,
Clark Taylor Duncan, President of Teen Freedom Party Europe