Save Seward's French Classes

Like most high schools, S. S. Seward had a choice of two languages: Spanish and French.
The Florida School District intends to teach a foreign language (Spanish) earlier at an elementary school level, rather than in eighth grade. This plan entails that students do not have a choice, and must learn Spanish and only Spanish throughout middle school and high school. The French program will be terminated, and the existing French classes will "fade out" until the current eighth graders have finished French 4 (Basically, in 3 years, French classes would no longer exist).
Teaching children a foreign language at a young age is undoubtedly important. It allows the students to develop the skill sets to learn and speak a new language. However, once students reach eighth grade, they should be able to make their own choice between continuing Spanish or pursuing French.
We, the students, believe that the French Language Program is necessary to our education and should not be cut from the Foreign Language Department. S. S. Seward was already limited by only two language choices; terminating French is terminating our educational freedom as students to make a choice in what we want to study.
The students, especially the current students in French, were not asked their opinion about this situation. We believe that it should be our decision whether French classes continue or not. We are the students that are taking these classes and will ultimately be affected by the decision, and therefore, we believe we should have a say to what happens to our French classes.
The students believe French is just as important as Spanish and this choice should not be taken away from us.