Save Ryton Green Belt Land

We, the undersigned,are a non-political groupagainstplans for a 550 home development being built onGreen Belt land in our area...
This development ispart of several inour area which will see around 2500 homes built on Green Belt land. This land ismeant to beprotected from development through government policy, yet plans have been proposedfor Ryton, Crawcrook, High Spen and other local areas. We hope to halt these plans completely.
If approved, these plans will have devastating effects not only for residents of Ryton, but also manyneighbouring areas.
This proposed lossof Green Beltland and potentialpopulation increase of almost 16% in Ryton alone (1400 people) willcausean abundance of issues:
Increased traffic congestion - Ryton does not have the infrastructure for potentialtraffic increasethe development will produce. This will cause traffic jams within the Ryton area and contribute to already heavyrush hour traffic at Blaydon roundabout. Gateshead Council has no plans to improve the existing infrastructure.The removal of vital drainage at the top of Ryton willincrease theflood-risk to properties downhill of the development.The loss of habitats for Red List birds such as Red Kites, Skylarksand Kestrels, along withother endangered animals such as Hedgehogs.Aloss of identity and sense of community, turning Ryton into a 'commuter village' and an ugly urban sprawl.Educationand health concerns - An over capacity for local schools, doctors and dentists.A loss of livelihood forneighbouring residents - loss of light from overshadowing, loss of privacy, parking/accessissues,and an increase of noise and disturbance.Filling the houses - with proposed developments in Newcastle, Northumberland and Durham, where are these 'new' residents coming from?We would like to thank you for signing this petition and encourage you to write objection letters/emailsto Gateshead Council and our local Councillors.
Remember, each letter is counted as a separate complaint.
Thank you from Ryton Green Belt Protection Group andthe residents of Ryton and surrounding areas.
For more information about the proposals and the Ryton Green Belt Protection Group you can:
- Visit our facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/RytonCommunityAction
- Email us at rytoncommunityaction@yahoo.co.uk
- Visit Gateshead Council's website to see the proposals and have your say: http://www.gateshead.gov.uk/haveyoursayonplanning