Geoff Redmond 0

Save Ramsgate Youth Clubs

72 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Geoff Redmond 0 Comments
72 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now

Kent County Council (KCC) are proposing to reduce expenditure on youth services in the county. They propose to treat Thanet as a single entity and hence retain a single youth "Hub" at the Quarterdeck in Margate whilst withdrawing funding for the two Ramsgate centres at Concorde & Artwise.


It is unlikely that the majority of young people, for logistical, financial or other reasons, will be able to use the Margate centre. This will result in fewer youngsters spending their spare time in a structured environment and growing up as good members of society rather than possibly adding to the level of anti-social behaviour.


We, the undersigned, petition local councillors to recommend to KCC that funding for all three youth centres is retained.    


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