Save our Special Needs School!
Secret Ravine School partners with the schools throughout the county to serve students with varying disabilities from three to age 22. Secret Ravine School houses students in three separate buildings, Secret Ravine School, Sierra Vista School and Onorato Educational Center. Secret Ravine School serves the Severe Multiple Disabilities and Behavior Intensive students high school through age 22. Sierra Vista School serves the Emotionally Disturbed students 4th grade through high school. Onorato Educational Center serves the Severe Multiple Disabilities students ages 3 through 15.
These schools are specifically designed for the special children with all of the right equipment and adaptive play structures. Parents drive happily, from all over Placer County so that their children can enjoy a safe school specialized for them.
Recently, the parents were sent home with a letter stating that Placer County Office of Education has decided to sell their school to a local school with overcrowding and that the children's school would not be replaced. The children will be split up to local regular schools that are not specially designed for their medical needs. The parents are extremely worried and want to save the school for their very special children.
Please help sign this petition to show local support for them. Please help send a message that the county should build a new school for the growing community and not take the only special school these kids have in the area. Please Help!
We plan to read your comments at the board meeting this Thursday to make your voice heard.