Save our Signpost children's centre keep it at st Augustines!!!

All children centre services will be removed from St Augustine's with no future arrangement for services after the 21st July 2012! All Health visitors, family workers and midwife services, including antenatal clinics and classes will be removed from st Aus from the 1st July. The Norfolk Community Health and Care will be taking over Signpost from the end of this month, but have only sorted office places for some staff. However as parents of this childrens centre we have had no say and had nothing from the NCH and C telling us what is going on or asking for our opion If you look at the Sure Start childrens centres statutory guidance section 5D of the Childcare Act 2006 it states that all families should be consulted upon if: . a change to the location of some of the core services, or the whole children's centre is moving to another location; . providing a significant new service at a childrens centre . a significant service no longer being provided at a childrens centre (or a paricular site of the childrens centre) . a greatly reduced level of service provided at a childrens centre They so far have no buildings for future activities for children and families, the likelyhood is that we will have to go to lots of different places around Lynn to get the services we need that we are currently get from one buiilding. Save Signpost and KEEP THE CHILDRENS CENTRE AND ALL ITS SERVICES AT ST AUGUSTINES!!!!!!!!