Norwalk Community College 0


38 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Norwalk Community College 0 Comments
38 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Norwalk Transit District is proposing the elimination of the Norwalk Community College Shuttle (NCC Shuttle). This service is one that is utilized, greatly, by our students, faculty and staff. Elimination of the NCC Shuttle would severely impact the Norwalk Community College and its community.

There are a great number of our students who utilize the public transportation services provided by Norwalk Transit. For many of these students, public transportation is their only means of getting to campus. Though Norwalk Transit offers other buses that come to NCC, there are no other buses that specifically coincide with the Metro North Train schedule, leaving students to make drastic changes in order to get to campus in a timely fashion. And, other students reside in areas of Norwalk where only the NCC Shuttle passes. To remove this option for direct travel to NCC would be a gross disservice.

This is not a matter of mere want for convenience or minor schedule changes for students. This is a matter of students being able to pursue an education. The NCC Shuttle is a NEED for our Norwalk Community College Community.

Please consider signing our petition and help us SAVE OUR SHUTTLE!!!

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