We have created this petition to help save our family dog Marley, please take some time to read our story:
Marley is a German Shepherd dog and has been part of our family since he was 8 weeks old, he is now 5 years old and will be turning 6 soon.
Marley has always been known to be a loving, gentle, loyal and happy dog.
In May Marley was seized by West Midlands Police, Midlands police informed us that he will be put down. We must STOP this!
This has left a big hole in all our hearts, it's like we have lost a family member, he literally means the world to us.
Every Christmas we visit our parents house and we take Marley with us as we don't like him to be left alone at home.
The incident occurred on 6th January 2018, Marley was playing in the back yard and it was a windy evening and the garden gate was blown open, slamming back and forth against the wall making a loud bang.
Marley escaped to the front of the house and at the same time our next door neighbour was pulling up onto the pavement to park the car, she said as soon as she got out of the car Marley attacked her and bit her leg , Marley bit her once and then sat beside her scared, shaking and didn't move.
Marley was not in his normal setting environment and not familiar with his surroundings the loud bangs frightened Marley which made him jump.
Marley has not got any previous violent history or behavioural issues he is not a vicious dog he is loved by all friends and family he has been around our nieces and nephews caring and protecting them always.
we could go on for hours writing about him but we have shed so many tears its so hard, we really feel like giving up! We know we can't do that and we will never give up!! We just want our dog home.
We have not been allowed to see our dog or have they told us of his location or whereabouts we just miss him so much.
Please sign and share our petition to help us get as many signatures as possible! This is our last chance to save Marley.
We would like to say thank you for taking time out to read our story.