Wirral Council is proposing cuts of over £100million. This includes closing a number of Day Centre’s for people with Learning &/or Physical Disabilities. They also propose to reduce the options for Council residential care (Sylvandale & Girtrell Court) for people with Learning Disabilities. All remaining Day Services face privatisation, via transfer to social enterprise. By reducing staff terms and conditions they undermine a skilled, stable and dedicated group of staff. The Day Centre’s under threat are: Cambridge Road, Eastham, Heswall, Highcroft, Moreton and Pensby Wood. These centres offer a vital service and the changes will have a significant and detrimental impact upon people who use these services and their carers. We call upon the Council to: Keep all Day Centres open For a fully resourced day service No reduction in residential services No privatisation of Day Services No reduction in staff terms & conditions Please help us by signing the petition