gemma hill 0


18 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
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18 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Stand up to social services and make sure they follow procedures correctly...if they DON'T then YOUR child WILL be at risk of loosing its family and friends without you even KNOWING IT!!!Make sure you do all your research and take action.....DO NOT LET THEM IN YOUR HOUSE WITHOUT AN ARRANGED APPOINTMENT.....AND ONLY ATTEND A CHILD PROTECTION CONFERENCE IF YOUR CHILD >HAS been physically injured >HAS been neglected >HAS been sexually abused >HAS been emotionally harmed NO OTHER EXCUSES ARE ACCEPTABLE OTHER THAN THESE 4!!! FACT!!!ITS THE LAW! If you or anyone you know have been ill treated by the whole welfare service or just support the wrongly accused victims and children then please start signing this petition and put an end to this welfare some research for yourself on Google. Perfectly good families ripped apart. >FACT..its not just criminals or people on benefits living on council estates affected... If you have suffered domestic abuse but is now rid of that partner your at risk for "the emotional suffering in your head and your childrens" If you have a disability such as M.E.or M.S.then your at risk for "neglecting your child" If you have suffered any mental illness such as... DEPRESSION,POST NATEL DEPRESSION or yourself was SEXUALLY ABUSED as a child then your at risk!!! As you can see no-one is safe apart from the authorities in the welfare service. >>>DO YOUR RESEARCH<<>> Many people have been treated unfairly by these so called "Law Abiding Citizens"and its time to put a stop to OUR children getting taken from us and let our voices be heard before the SS take them all! DID YOU KNOW>>>The U.K. is the only country in Europe apart from Croatia and parts of Portugal that practise forced adoption and we are the only country in the WORLD that GAG parents who wish to protest publicly when their children are taken,meaning police will arrest you for freedom of speech and showing emotion of their child being wrongly taken.These orders are given out in a secret family court not publicly known. PEOPLE INVOLVED IN THE WELFARE SERVICE... TEACHERS DOCTORS POLICE SOCIAL WORKERS HEALTH VISITORS SUPPORT WORKERS Lets change the way they treat us and try to make us count after all we have raised them so far who are they to say any different? They are basically strangers...would you give your child to a stranger?If you answered YES then no wounder they are involved with you right now. If you answered NO then get involved before the next child is YOURS!

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